Go Fiber(the skinny)

Raz Al-Jaf
3 min readMar 14, 2021
Discovering the world of Fiber, let’s GO!
Exploring Fiberland! Let’s GO!

Fiber is a technical framework; which in simple words means using a set of directions/rules as problem solving tools. If you are learning how to program and appreciate prediction in your favorite tech language, I would recommend playing around with the languages’ framework. Fiber is a fairly new framework that works efficiently alongside Fasthttp to provide with minimal lines of code + fast server service. Below I will briefly speak of the two most important reasons why Go Fiber is about to become your new, favorite (based on biased, personal opinion, that I hope you’d agree with) toy!

You and your homies when you discover Fiber. With masks on, of course.

Fiber is perfect for programmers who are looking to make the transition from writing code with Express; Node.js’ framework. It is also perfect for Golang developers who are looking for speed and efficiency in their application. Saying this, if you are a new programmer to both Golang and working with a framework, Fiber has been a personal favorite of mine. The minimalist usage of code/logic makes it a very welcoming-first-tech-framework to grasp.

Rick Sanchez to Morty Smith: “Morty, relax. it’s just a bunch of 1s and 0s Out there. You’re gonna be fine.” Moral of the story, don’t be afraid of the code. And key point is: the less lines of codes you have, the easier your debugging process goes.

I briefly spoke about and linked a resource to Fasthttp. This is one of the most important reasons why programmers love using Fiber on a Golang backend. “Currently fasthttp is successfully used in a production serving 100K rps from 1M concurrent keep-alive connections on a single server.” This is a simple explanation providing numbers for concurrent connections between a server and client. Traditionally when programming with Golang and wanting to connect with a server, the “net/http” package is imported. However, what that statement above is pointing to is how Fasthttp package is 10 times faster than the net/http package.

There are plenty of resources and helpful documentations for Fiber. This includes, example code, context, routing, debugging…etc. And they are all marked with beautiful emojis for ease of navigation, and aesthetics…? Sure. In future posts I will explain in detail how to install Fiber, build a simple GET request from an API and so on.

Final thoughts: Though Fiber is a fairly new framework, the solid documentation, and minimalism of its logic has made working with it be seamless. As a newbie to the tech world, I find all of these topics to be absolutely fascinating. As a lifelong problem-solver it fills me with satisfaction to discover new, sharp tools that make problem-solving not only fun, but efficient too.

Final-final thoughts(I promise this is the final paragraph); as I mentioned above, I am still a newbie to the tech world. I opened up my first terminal sometime in November of 2020. Oh, no, wait; I googled how to open up a terminal on a Macbook in November of 2020. I appreciate nothing more than a delicious, constructive critique. So please, tell me more and let’s connect on LinkedIn.



Raz Al-Jaf

Software Engineer. Pilot. Polyglot. And a Kurdish refugee.